Saturday, November 27, 2010

Food for thought

Here are some pretty awesome quotes I found..

“Nothing turns us into bitter, selfish, dis-satisfied people more quickly than an ungrateful heart”

Billy Graham

“I keep forgetting to put focus on my to-do list. I keep forgetting to wander and have fun. I know I’m transparent but my insecurities are in all the right places, so go ahead, have a look.”

Ghandi’s Autobiography-Buddy Wakefield

"Day-to-day people typically think about the things that are going wrong instead of what is going right. This is sadly the norm, but it’s behavior" -DJH

“It isn’t enough to sit on the sidelines and hope for things to get better. You’ve got to ask yourself, ‘What steps am I going to take to get the things in life I want?’ Achieving great goals takes planning, and your life is no different.”

Jane Powell

“Do not anticipate trouble or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight.” – Benjamin Franklin

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