Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Welcoming another chapter in our lives

Woah! Time flies when you're having fun, huh? That's exactly what happened in 2010 for me. It's an amazing, amazing year. Personally, I feel like I've become a better person compared to who I was before, also, I've met different people and there are a few people whom I've met that I will forever hold close to my heart. These two people taught me how to open myself up and let me know that it's okay to let people inside my heart. I've learnt to trust, even if not fully, at least I have learnt to trust and I'm just going to take it one step at a time. Baby steps!
Besides that, I've grown and learnt a lot of things that only time can teach me. I guess in a way, time makes you a better and wiser person but only if you choose to be. Know? It's like the saying, God can't help you if you won't help yourself. For some of you, 2010 may not have been a good year but keep in mind that every experience makes you a wiser person if you learn from it. Whatever doesn't kill you only makes you stronger, hey? In 2010, I hit rock bottom and pushed myself back to the top. I promised myself that I will not rest until I've reached success. Don't get me wrong, I'm very much content with everything that I possess right now but the way I see it.. There's nothing wrong with being thankful with what you have but striving for more than what I can have.
As for family, I've grew closer to each and everyone of them, seeing their flaws and loving them more despite their flaws. I guess that's why we love them, the fact that they can push our buttons yet, we still love them with all our hearts. My family is whacky, tacky and corny but you know what, they're my family and I love them to bits and pieces. Everything in this world comes and goes but no matter what happens, family will always be there.
To me, the end of every year is just an end to a chapter in my life and the beginning to a new one. Although 2010 has been such a great year for me, I have a feeling that 2011 will be double the awesome-ness, double the terrificalty, and double the delightfulness! In 2011 I will be sitting for SPM, and in 2011 my brother will embark on an amazing journey to Switzerland to start a new life and I wish him all the best. I know and hope that he will come back a new person, a better one. So to everyone, I would just like to wish you in advance, a Happy Happy New Year, may 2011 be an awesome year for all of us. Let us welcome 2011 with open arms and embrace this thing we call life.
Live everyday like it's your last because when you do, embarassment, shame and everything else will just fall to the floor. There is nothing else that you can fear because the thought of death in your mind defeats all.
Oh and by the end of 2011, be sure to keep your eyes open because there's going to be an upcoming star who goes by the name AMALINA THAQIFAH LAVOCAH ;)

Alright, til then, people!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

It's not how many years you have to live but how much life you have in those years that you live!

College. Do we go to college because we want to or because it seems to be the normal thing to do after high school? Most of us go to college because our friends go to college. We go to college because it's a normal thing to do. But why do we go to college? To get a job? To become successful? What? The reason why I am writing this post is because these past few days I have been reflecting on my life, what I want to do and all sorts. Then it just hits me, why should I mug for two years or so when at the end of the day, all I get a is a piece of printed paper to determine my qualification.

Truth be told, I don't even know what I want to do with my life but one thing is for certain.. At the end of the day, I don't want to be telling only one story. I honestly think that the only reason why people go to college is because they don't know what they want to do and sure there are some people who go to college because they know what they want to do too but after they graduate they get a job, become successful and they tend to stay in their comfort zone. For example, a Lawyer who's successful only becomes a Lawyer because he doesn't want to risk his money and etc by doing other things when he knows that what he's doing now is giving him benefit. Do you follow me? At first, I had it all worked out, I wanted to be a Lawyer but now.. I don't want to do just one thing. I want to take risks, learn about many things, reinvent myself, I want to keep evolving. I want to become a Lawyer, then a TV Presenter, then a Journalist, I want to travel all around the world. I want my life to be based on chapters, like a story book. Because from my point of view, everyone is just living their life with one story to tell and I don't want that.

To people who's worried about not knowing what they want to do after higschool, don't fret, take time off and figure out what you love. Heck, I don't even know what I want to do once I'm out of highschool but most probably, I'm going to take a year off, get a job, gain as many experiences that money can't buy and just travel around the world. All I know is that when I become successful, I don't want to be just another person who makes money from a lousy job that I don't even like. To me, success means doing something you're passionate about, something you love. Also, success is to give back, to be apart of something bigger than you. But most importantly, success is love from our family and our devotion to the Almighty. So yes, sue me for maybe not wanting to go to college, or wanting to take a year off first. All I know is that, I would just most probably go to college after I figure out what I want to do with my life because let's be honest, I want to make my mom and dad proud and the only way to do that is by having at least a degree. I don't see the point in having a masters or whatsoever. For me, the most important thing is experience.

I love life, but it's sad that not many people do, and I'm guessing they don't because whenever they try to fly away from the mediocre thought of what "normality" deems to be these days, they get tormented. Which is a pity really. I think I'm going out of the topic now but whatever. Basically what I'm trying to say is, don't just go through life doing what people want you to do or what you think you want to do. To what you love and you won't feel like you've worked a day.