Friday, February 19, 2010

Can you meet me halfway?

Guten morgan, sexy people of Malaysia! Wishing you everyone an awesome Saturday from home! 

I'm going to blog about this conversation that I had with Danial last night via Skype. So we were talking about love, relationships & whatnots. Whilst this conversation was going on, I kind of had a sudden recognition! Most people out there believe in fate, now I'm not saying I don't believe in it, I do. But you can't just sit on your ass & wait for fate to make it happen, this applies to everything in general. I feel, sometimes, we gotta take charge & make things happen. For example, if you love someone & not make an effort to be with them because you believe fate determines it all, then you're wrong. Yes, fate determines everything, but sometimes, just sometimes, you have to make it happen in order to know that it really is meant to be, know? I think fate is the decision & also actions we think & do. On the other hand, I also believe that our destiny is ours to create, we just have to pick a path to walk & if it's the wrong one, we just have to endure it & remember that the Almighty Allah is always with us every step of the way. I don't know if what I typed down here makes much sense, but it's really based on what I strongly believe in. You don't have to agree nor disagree, I'm just stating my point of view here. Cheers.

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